Blog by Natalie Bender

Many people have vision insurance that is either purchased personally or provided through an employer. Vision insurance is a great benefit that often acts as a discount plan. However, it is different than health insurance. Vison insurance will typically have coverage for routine vison exams and sometimes there is coverage for vision hardware such as contact lenses or glasses. Things to remember when you want to use your vision insurance benefits:

Know your insurance benefits
If you do not know your insurance benefits, it is worth your time to call your insurance company and check what exactly your benefits offer. Once you know your benefits you will know what you are responsible for paying and what your insurance will cover.

Make sure your vision provider is “in network” with your insurance company
A call to your vision provider’s office will quickly give you this answer. Be sure to know who your insurance provider is and if your vision insurance is provided through a rider policy.

What is a rider insurance policy?
A rider is an insurance policy provision that adds benefits to or amends the terms of a basic insurance policy. Rider policies can sometimes be through a different company than your health insurance.

What do you do if your provider is not in network with your insurance company?
Most providers are not able submit claims to insurance companies if they are not “in network.” However, occasionally, insurance companies have “out of network benefits”.